hard to get into, but fantastic by the end of disc 1

User Rating: 9.4 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
i had my doubts about this game when i first bought it. the intro sequence was stunning, but at first i was confused and disappointed by the junction system. soon, though, i realized how simple the system is, and i began playing more. the story hooks you in halfway through disk one, and never really lets go. i admire the developers decision to make the encounter none skill available early in the game, for those who wish to proceed along the story, like me. the enemies level up along side with you, so there is really no challenge untils the final boss. the music in the game is always good, with main songs like Liberi Fatali and Eyes on Me very well written. i would encourage new players to stick through the beginning, because it is kind of slow, and try to understand the junction system as best as you can. i understand how hardcore rpg players loathe this game, since the use for random battles, money, and item collection is almost nonexistent, but square wanted to make a truly story driven game, and they accomplished that.