One of my top 3 favorite Final Fantasy's!!

User Rating: 9.8 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
This is one of the best Final Fantasy games I played, next to FFX & FF VII.

Gameplay- You are Squall Leonhart, a student at Balamb Garden, the world's foremost military academy. He is inducted into an elite combat-unit-for-hire known as SeeD. Nothing else really changed in gameplay which is cool & they added a junction system which is cool.

Graphics- The graphics are absolutely breathtaking, there even better than FF 7(thats right). The opening sequence made my jaw drop & the backgrounds is frighteningly meticulous, and almost all backgrounds contain some animated elements.

Sound- The music fits the game perfectly & is one of my all time favorites next to Final Fantasy X.

Value- FF VIII doesnt have much replay value, but you even need it, you could easily spend 100+ hours on this game( spans 4 discs)!

Final Fantasy VIII combines a fantastic story, amazing visuals, and excellent sound with great RPG gameplay