A game with somewhat new but refreshing combat system, and the best music of any Final Fantasy
User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
Final Fantasy VIII is a game that some die-hard Final Fantasy will not really appreciate, but for the rest of us, this game is a treasured piece of pre Square-Enix gaming. The Stroy throughout this game is the best in the series and also has the best music composed by famed and acclaimed Nobuo Uematsu. The music in this game is so unique for all of the different settings and makes you want to actually buy the CD. THe combat in this game is Junctioned based: for gamers who do not know what junction is I shall explain. Lets say Protagonist Squall has 100 Firagas and you put that magic in your Strength spot your attacks deal the power of the magic. Although at first it seems as if the game is overwhelming it is amazing for gamers who value haracter development and want their character to grow and be maxed out towards the end of the game not by level. The game is personally a favorite of mine due to the amazing story. The story follows Squall Leonheart on his quest to stop an evil sorcerer and his rival Seifer who has become the Sorcerers Kinght (bodyguard of sorts). I dont want to really spoil anything but i do recommend going to your nearest Gamespot and finding it for dirt cheap or on the Playstation network.