This game screams "Fantasy" but the gameplay is drawn back by a few unwelcome changes.

User Rating: 9.3 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
Sci-fi FF game eh? Well the characters are great but character developement is only seen in a few of the party. The enemies are a bit stupid lookin (I mean a dinasaur, c'mon!). Cool bosses and as always, a gret plot...well...actually not as great as some other FF installments.

-leveling up sucks! (you dont even need to if you dont want to)
-some stupid fights
+lots of summons
+cool weapon making
+cool extra bosses like omega weapon
+big world map

-some enemy design not so great
-some backgrounds look like crap
+awesome battle graphics and effects(for ps1)
+summons look great
+amazing cinematics!

+great music
-sound effects are nothing special

+the usual Final Fantasy (worth every cent)

This instalment is a bit different than the other FF's but you still should give this awesome game a try.