My favorite Final Fantasy!
User Rating: 8.4 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
Final Fantasy VIII isn't the best playing RPG, or even the best playing Final Fantasy. But It's still a very interesting and fun game. Mostly because of the the story and music. The battle system isn't bad, but battles tend to be really slow and after a while can become boring depending on the length, but there still pretty decent for a turn-based RPG. The story is very lovely. I really liked the love story between Squall and Ronia. The Story and music are really the main reasons why I kept playing this game. After the game ended I was very happy with it despite the fairly weak battle system. I have to say the music is some of the best I have ever heard in a video game. It's nice to just lay back and listen to o. Overall Final Fantasy VIII is a game that I'll remember for a long time.