Another great Final Fantasy title
User Rating: 9.8 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
After playing Final Fantasy VII i waited with baited breath for this to come out, seeing pictures, videos then trailers and demo of it the hype became so bad i then expected this not to live up to the almost god like legendary status that it had got, i was wrong to doubt it this game is all it was cracked up to be and more. This game like is old now but has a lot of class to it and could teach a lot to some games that come out now the graphics arn't great but who cares when the game play on this is so good and a story to make you head hurt, you start the game with to males fight with gunblades and magic on rocky terrain the boy in black is Squall the hero of this story and your main character the other Seifer he is like a shadow of Squall and his rival/nemesis through most of the game, this battle sparks of the deep rivalry between the two character as both are left with matching but oppisite scars with just most evidence of mirror image of the two, Squall then passes his Garden exams and becomes a SeeD with a kind mercenary for hire school for hire, you then team up with some of your school friends and a ex-teacher who has a crush on Squall and are rocketed into a adventure spanding time and space, this game's characters are very lovable and the game it's plays like a dream if sometimes a bit odd but this is what you expect from a Final Fantasy game. Again if you have a PSX or PS2 get this game now it'll be cheap and well worth what ever you pay.