Best game ever made

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
This is the first Final Fantasy I have ever played and is most defenitly the best one in the series. It it all began when a friend of my gave a cd-disc which stated FF VIII cd-1 , i had know idea what kind of game this was. I never heard of RPG's before that time, I only played fighting games and platformers, so this was going to be a new experience for me. The first hour I felt like I was just pushing some buttons, all these menu's and talking to people, let's say I wasn't used to that kind of gameplay. But after a few hours I got hooked and rushed towards the end, it took me 3 hours to defeat Ultimecia :) .The second time I managed to get all GF's and it was a lot easier to beat the final boss, I think i've beaten the game now about 6 times ,each time trying something else, getting all GF's , all cards , beating Omega weapon, etc.. I've ordered the strategy guide today, not that I need it, but because I think this is the best game ever made I just need to have it :). Now I've just finished FF XII , this game along with FF X come close to FF VIII , but are just a bit less exciting for me to play. This game was the game which made me play RPG's , 3/4 of all my games are RPG's now ,so you could say FF VIII is the reason why i'm playing rpg's still. So if you wan't a fantastic game with lot's and lot's of gameplay and you haven't played it yet , go to nearby gameshop or order it on the internet.