This one of my favorite Games

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
This is one of those games were u either love it or hate it. I had a really deep story, at the time, the junction system was very solid and easy to use. Squall was on awesome character. The characters showed off their emotions through what they were saying and their expressions. This game had a fantastic soundtrack, plus tie that with some great story-telling and beautifully looking FMV'S. Now this game doesn't have maybe the humor in it like FF VII. Like the time when Cloud needed to dress up as a girl, but there are a ton of really fun parts. I don't want to spoil anything so i am not going to talk about them. The gurderian forces allow you to use your summons until they run out of hp which is a great addition. The are also some really powerful gf's like Eden. But Squalls Lion heart does way more damage then Edea. He does 16 attacks 9,999 damage each hit.