Final Fantasy for the win!

User Rating: 9.1 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
ok I just beat the game a few minutes ago yay!!! FF8 is a great game for all rpg fans so if you dont have it get it now!.It has a very nice story line with great characters that keep you hooked and wanting more.The game play is fun and keeps you on the edge of your seat with a fun battle system that lets you steal your magic spells from the bad guys and stock it up so you got lots of fire power.The battle system is simple the bar next to your name charges up and when its full your guy can attack with a weapon,magic,item and GF. The GF is your FF classic monsters like Bahamut and Ifrit but in this game they do more then just beat the bad guy up they can be assigned to your party members and help them boost health or attack and lots of other things to make them even more stonger.So if you love Final Fantasy and rpg's then put this one on your list its a great game and im sure you will love it and wow watch out for that final boss its a tuffy.