"This is possibly the WORSE FF game to date, which is good considering how much I liked FFVIII, the most underatted FF."
Gameplay: 9/10
Final Fantasy VIII took, like all Final Fantasy games, a turn away from the series and tried something completly different. After the one dissapointment of FF7 (not classes) FF8 brings back a class-like system, altough it isnt directly influenced by classes. It also has an upgrade system that gives a whole new take on weaponry.
Graphics: 10/10
Woah... the graphics in this game BLEW MY MIND. FF8 showcased some serious work here, especially in its many cutscenes.
Sound: 9/10
Again, another breakthrough for FFVIII. Great musical scores and sound FX's.
Overall: 9.6/10
FF8 is an awsome installment to the Final Fantasy series.