PC version held nothing to the PS version...

User Rating: 5.3 | Final Fantasy VIII PC
This is possibly the WORSE FF game to date, which is good considering how much I liked FFVIII, the most underatted Final Fantasy. But sadly this PC version is problematic and, in most cases, glitchy and occasionally laggy.

Gameplay: 6/10
Final Fantasy VIII took, like all Final Fantasy games, a turn away from the series and tried something completly different. After the one dissapointment of FF7 (not classes) FF8 brings back a class-like system, altough it isnt directly influenced by classes. It also has an upgrade system that gives a whole new take on weaponry.

Graphics: 5/10
Woah... the graphics in this game BLEW MY MIND. FF8 showcased some serious work here, especially in its many cutscenes. But this version suffered HORRIBLY to the PS version in this aspect.

Sound: 5/10
Again, another breakthrough for FFVIII. Great musical scores and sound FX's, but that wasnt showcased here on the PC. It just didnt hold up!

Overall: 5.3/10
FF8 is an awsome installment to the Final Fantasy series, but this PC just suffered. Sorry Square, keep it to the consoles.