FFX-2 is possibly the funnest, not the best, the funnest RPG ever made. (WARNING....minor spoilers)

User Rating: 8 | Final Fantasy X-2 PS2
Gameplay : 9 The gameplay of this game is very very good. Especially the new and improved ATB gauge instead of the TBG like the one in FFX. FFX-2 is possibly the funnest RPG ever, the active gauge allows you do to anything when its full. During battle you can change dresspheres by using different types of grids. Each dressphere has his own unique style of attacks and abilities. The way you can master the abilties is also very fun but sometimes it just planely takes too long. My personal favourite is Lady Luck due to it's Four Dice technique with the Cat Nip accessory. Also talking about Cat Nip it's possibly the cheapest accessory in the game. When in Yellow or Red you do 9999 damage for each of your attacks. If you roll all 6's on Four Dice (which is very hard to achieve) you do 9999 x 24 x 2 (since it doubles if u get all 4 # equal) thats 9999 48 times. The story is very good, Yuna, the main character, is out on a search for her "dream" Tidus. During the story she mistakes Tidus for Shuyin and Shuyin thinks that she is Lenne and so on. Overall the story is pretty good and deserves a good mark of 9/10. Graphics : 8 FFX-2's CG graphics are outstandingly amazing. The way they do their stances or whatever, it's all very good. Without the CG graphics this game wouldn't be as great. Yes i have to say the graphics are pretty good for a almost 2 year old PS2 game but they could have been improved. Overall the graphics deserve a 8 because they are very good, but can use some improvment. Sound : 9 The sounds in FFX-2 are pretty good for an RPG game. For instance wile in different dresspheres you say different things after you win the battle. As a thief sometimes you say "It's all in the wrist" and as a Dark Knight when you use Darkness, Paine says "Theres enough Paine to go around"(cuz u loose hp when you use that move). The music is also not half bad, but the game does have it's moments, such as the Vegnagun theme on the perfect ending, that piano composed song was outstanding. Overall I loved the music of FFX-2 and it definately diserved a 9/10. Value : 10 For me the Value of this game is very very good. I'm always wanting to go back and play FFX-2 until i've mastered everything. Right now I am still playing it for fun when i feel bored and the perfect ending theme (vegnagun song)just makes me wanna beat it again. Overall the value of this game is extremely good and I recommend this game to anyone who is into the Final Fantasy Series and is a must have sequel to the greatest hit Final Fantasy X. Value definetely deserves a 10/10 for me. Tilt : 8 This game is very good but has "some" flaws. Such as I always thought that Tidus was alive as long as the Fayth existed in the Dark Aeons. But this game is very satistfying in many parts. Overall this game is very very good, deserves a 8/10 and is a must have for any RPG lover.