Somewhat embarrassing to play at first... but then you realize you want to know how everything turns out so you bear it
Some things to note about this The game depicts Yuna, Rikku, and a new girl to the series named Paine as a trio of bandits/archeologists called the Gullwings that are determined to uncover spheres that replay the lost history of Spira. Yuna hopes to uncover a few clews about the past in order to complete her own search. Search for what? If you have played Final Fantasy X then you know exactly what she's looking for. Most of the game is quite light hearted despite the new obstacles and villains the trio face along the way. The active time battle system is fun to utilize despite the fact that different attacks are only made available by changing into different clothes, aptly named dress spheres. I did mention that it was a chick-flick game right? Although the game possesses its very own story line rather than a simple continuation of its predecessor, the nostalgic traits are far and plenty. One major complaint that I have with the game is the drastically altered way to play blitzball. The original blitzball was interactive and felt like an entire game within the game but the X-2 version leaves you feeling bored given that you cannot control the players, just improve their stats after each match. Stats tend to depreciate depending on the skills you choose to improve as well so it's relatively difficult to have a well rounded player. Fighting and moving along with the story are probably the most fun aspects of the game, and most Final Fantasy X fans will agree that it is the conclusion to the series that makes this game worthy of a Final Fantasy title. Just be sure that you obtain a high percentage of game completion or the ending may be less awesome. Just warning you good folks out there.