Making a true sequel to a Final Fantasy is a great idea but not in this fashion. Square, what were you thinking!!
You undertake mission scenarios in most of the areas. Each mission has a certain objective to meet to win the mission. The missions span over a course of 5 chapters so you will get to visit every place at least 5 times if you chose to gain 100% story completion. That idea wasn't too bad.
The battle system is your traditional zoom into battle turn base encounters with fiends. Always a favorite of mine and many others.
The graphics were excellent and just like many Final Fantasy games, the story was in depth with a ton of great cut scenes.
This game followed a job class system in the use of dress spheres. A system not new but done rather well in this game. You collect all the dress spheres through out Spira, equip that dress sphere to what ever character you chose to learn the job traits and abilities while placing those items on a Garment Grid so the character can equip the dress sphere. You can assign what abilities that character will learn and fight around, gaining AP until that ability is learned and ultimatly mastering the dress sphere. Hmmm... I recall Final Fantasy 3 (the one never released in the states for the NES) and Final Fantasy 5 using the same system. Old tricks always work and Final Fantasy X-2 is good in this part.
The depressing part of this game is the theme. I'm sorry but when I play a Final Fantasy RPG (or any RPG for that matter), I don't want to feel like I'm watching a Brittany Spears Concert. The girly theme is the draw back and should of never been put in a game with the name Final Fantasy. Although this theme will appeal to many who enjoy the girly theme, I'm not hardstruck over it. Now that this game is out of your system Square, never do it again!!