hey, something's missing here?!?!
different is the talk about the sound. while the voices are pretty fitted for the characters, the music is completely opinable. if you don't like amazingly useless moments in wich, for some unexplaneble reason, yuna start dancing and singing (yes, i said unexplaneble: after an amazing and tough fight she may just go: hey, let's start dancing!), all the worls laugh like a height yo girl, and you cannot skip that... well, there will be moments like that, and if you are the kind of person who fast forward part of movies, you'll be pretty disappointed, and those five minutes will be the longest ones in history of humanity...
diffuculty is pretty well balanced, it's easy enough to feel good on the joypad, and, even if at the beginnig something will feel kind of odd with the dree sphere, after a while you'll see under a good light this innnovation.
well to tell you the truth there are two innovations: the first is the one i told just now, the dress spheres, that allowas your character to use different ability, and the second is that there will be only three playble character. yes. only three. i know ser auron and tidus are gone, and i know that the three of them are real hot, but i don't think that's enough. where are the tens of characters of ffvi? and also the characters in the game, yuna, rikku and paine,... i don't know how to say it, but even if i loved rikku in the first ffx, and i really liked yuna, in this one i find them almost... charmless...
paine seems to be the only hope, but in the end, you'll see she doesn't have much personality. and pretty much during all the game you can guess what will happen and how... the story could have been much better. the same for the characters. they sre convincing most of the time,... but sometimes they get annoyng...
what i'm basically trying to say is that the game is a good game, really, and you may have many hours of fun with it, but there something wrong with it.
the thing is that you should forget you're playing a final fantasy, but i believe that most of the people that buy and play this game will do it 'cuz it is the last chapter of the amazing ffx. i mean it's an amazing legacy the one that this game has to stand. for me worked like this: even if it is a good game, when i played it for the first time, i was playng a final fantasy, and not one of the many, but the next chapter of final fantasy x, an rpg that's probably only inferior to ffvi and ffvii, and still it is not that far away from them... my expectations were real high (also because 'till a bit ago the only two real good rpgs around by square-enix, at least in europe, were ffx and kingdom hearts, and that really not much...). it's a good game, but don't compare it with ffx (well, that's impossible,... just try hard not compare the two games too much), and you''ll have a good time, for most of the game, at least.