Is Final Fantasy X-2 as good as its predecessor?

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy X-2 PS2
Final Fantasy X's sequel is almost as good as its fore bearer, but somewhat lacks the same quality of the story line. However, it is still a good game. Its battle system can be a bit annoying though, because you use dress spheres. These allow you change you characters' areas of expertise, but the downside to that is that it takes quite a while to gain certain abilities and skills, making fights last longer than necessary if you lack the right skills. Its new system of chapters is interesting as it poses a sort of challenge. It is possible to achieve 100% completion and view an extra scene at the end, but it takes hard work and certain little cut-scenes and decisions can make a big difference. The game goes in chapters and if you miss a completion percentage in one chapter, you can't go back and redo quests or events to earn the percentage points you missed in that chapter. I highly recommend that you buy the guidebook if you play this game as it gives step-by-step instructions on how to earn 100% completion. The story is somewhat intriguing. It includes hidden backgrounds and a dangerous secret as well as a strange coincidence and like its predecessor, is once again centered around love. In the end you get a sort of satisfaction for completing it and pretty much saving the world....again.