Almost a 100% game...
Yes in FFX there was no "active mode" battle so you could plan a strategy to beat any monster easely...well except Sin:P and you also had 7 different characters, each with his own class as start; but later on you could have choose to follow the path of another member of the I did:D For example kimhari followed auron...but I didn't used him much tough...anyway here is almost the same thing with the dresspheres.
Okay as for any FF game or, this fantasy provides us with one of the best special effects(I have to say this: I love the floral Great Whirl-it's my fav atack in the game). As for the gameplay, well you know u have to be quick.....but still u have the option in config to sw from active to wait mode if you hit X when a girl is ready to strike...of course there is the sound that is excelent, especially that superb melody named 1000words:P
Okay now for the bad thing is that I don't like about X-2 and that is the excess in Via Infinito ...I mean lol but even Black elemental is stronger than Shuyin and Vegnagun...and of course catnip is your trump card there but that artifact shouldn't exist and VIa Infinito monsters should be 1/10 of the HP dmg and all that they have...
Oh and well it's pretty hard to make a 100% game. I mean you have to go to many places in a certain order. Now this is not a lie...I made 100% game without any help from the exterior.......but it took me a month. I had to use multiple savepoints to figure out where and what should I do....and of course this happened after I ended the game first time so I would have 2 catnipped girls when I reach Trema:P
Well this concludes my review on one of the best games I ever played.