May not seem the best but FFX is my favorite and this brings in more fun.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X-2 PS2
I don't know why some people looked down on this game. I thought it was great. The graphics were just so pretty. Plus once i beat FFX I wanted to know more about the story. FFX was perfect but it left us with so many questions.

I love the dress spheres. Everyone likes to try out different classes. It just always left something else in the game for you to do. The special dress spheres were also pretty. There just are very few moments were you get to just own. The only little problem i had with the game was the blitz ball. I loved blitzball on FFX the way to own was to switch to manuel but they took that out on FFX-2. Overall this game does have promising interests and does keep you wanting to get to max lvl and own some more. New game plus just keeps the game going. It may seem to get old, but if you're a hardcore FFX fan like me then its no wonder on why you keep playing. A lot of people didn't buy this game since it seemed to "girly" well you chauvinist bastard. JK, but the point is being that just because it looks girly doesnt mean it isn't good, if not a buy to you go rent it. This is a great game.