Quite good, its not that bad when u get into it
Yuna is now a sphere hunter because she saw a sphere of tidus.
i think it has a great story, and the good ending is brilliant tidus and yuna reunite.
graphics are brilliant better than X.
The sound is decent, tho not the best.
Gameplay is brill bcos there isnt a sphere grid, just a garment grid and stuff.
its great value for money.
once you get into it you'll struggle to get out (unless your sad or got evry ending)
overall a good game, if you dont enjoy final fantasy in general you may enjoy this for it is quite different.
i would rent it first if your not sure. P.S: there are some funny stuff, and the good ending bring tears to your eyes very emotional.
9@/\/\35p00 over and out.
oh yeah, yuna is in the gullwings and your rival is the leBlanc syndicate, with a humorous fat bloke in it.