Not FFX, and it shows it.
Yuna and Rikku to the rescue. The two most girly characters in the game. And althought the first game was about Yuna and Tidus, well my end team in Final Fantasy X was Tidus, Auron and Lulu. So my hopes are less positive, but hey I will give it a shot.
Yes Yuna, understandably, is a famous person now, and is appartantly singing. Rikku is even more annoying and the new character Paine tries to be Auron but fails on coolness.
The game itself is good, I like the new style of gameplay and only having 3 characters means those moments when you think, why doesnt the support help out, doesnt matter.
The Story however is tacky. This is a sequel not a pair of linked games. You are told how far through the game you are, and this annoyed me. I dont want to know that in 5 hours I have completed 20% of a final fantasy game. That infers the game is only 25 hours long, the size of a long FPS. Plus it needs you too play FFX first, which is of a different caliber.
The % points to get 100% include things that you can overlook and although in total there is 105% to collect you need two playthroughs to do so.
The plot is about, is Tidus really dead, and what happens after you save the world. Although as its a FF game if needs saving again, as an ancient machine has been activated and is threating Spira.
However I have to warn you the game is very girl power orientated, and therefore can annoy certain fans, eg me.
The control system is new too, but I like it, it is realtime, so no more going for tea mid-battle, however it also pushes a slight, press X nooooow feel to the game, which will annoy people at first.
So a good game, but let down by the story,not Final Fantasy standard sorry.