The first and only sequel to the Final Fantasy series.
User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy X-2 PS2
We come back two years after where we left off, Yuna and her friends have defeated Sin and Yevon losing some very close along the way, Yuna now lives on Besaid Island again where all this started, then Rikku come back and show s her a movie sphere which has a recording of Tidus which then starts off this adventure, along the way you'll meet lots of faces old and new and visit a lot of familar places. This game has a lot in common with it's predesesor but also has changed some aspects of the past games in the series, you start off and can only have three characters in this game, it's got a whole new system to change your characters attributes and abilities called Dresspheres which is simular to the Jobs system found in other Final Fantasy games, but this one feels abit limited with no option of combining the Dresspheres to create Warrior/White Mage or Gunner/Black Mage. This game has you running around like a headless chicken sometimes and the rest of the time you seem to be completing a completly pointless mini game which could test the patience of a saint, here are some examples of the mind numbing quests/mini games you have on offer like breeding monkeys. This game isn't bad but doesn't live up to Final Fantasy X and it's great series debut on the PS2 console buy this game if you want to continue the storyline of Yuna and friends or if you don't mind a game which doesn't quite come up to scratch as a Final Fantasy game.