If your secure with your manhood, try this game. It has the best battle system in FF history and is actually NON LINEAR
" What !? Nobue Uematsu isnt doing the music !"
" What the hell has happened to FF ?"
" Pop stars as FF characters ?!"
Relax people, its only a game. Its meant to be fun and it is. Unfortunately, alot of people wrote this game off because they felt their manhood was at steak if they played this game.They also wanted another typical save the world final fantasy. I will tel you from a secure male's point of view, this game was a blast. It isnt as memorable as FF 6 or FF7, but its not supposed to be a deep adventure where you end up crying over characters problems.
Onto the gameplay, which is the best any Final Fantasy had to offer. I dont know about you, but I hate waiting for a bar to fill up, then wait to watch a character perform a move that I have seen 200 times. FF2 is fluid and timing actually matters. You can link attacks together. For example , I was pulling off 70 hit combos with the right dress-spheres and moves. Also, if you have a slow enemy coming to attack you with a large sword, you can quickly attack with faster wearpon and attack your enemy before he swings that large, slow sword.
Oh, I mentioned dress spheres. Everybody got really nervous when this feature was brought up. No guy would want to be seen using dress spheres. Forget that. I loved every minute of it. Transformations always happen on japanese tv shows and anime. So it happened in FFX2. It also adds depth. If i have an offensive party of mages and warriors, and during the course of battle our HP wears low.....bang, i switch to a white mage dress sphere and cure my party. Theres a few character classes that had not been seen in FF as well.
This is my last part, I wont bore you preaching about this awesome game anymore.
One thing I have always disliked in FF is the following:
What would you like to do (main character)
- Let (new character) join party ?
- Dont let (new character) join party ?
This is where i would chose "dont let (new character) join party. But in typical japanese rpg fashion, the computer responds with:
- Well, how about we let (new character) join party anyway ?
- okay, i guess so
You dont get to make any actual decisions, and the gameplay experience is the same for all 5 million people who played the game. Example,everyone who played FFX had the same experience. You had to go through the same levels, cut scenes, lack of decisions, same ending, etc.
X-2 has a completion percentage system, and 3 different endings. Your decisions arent anything truly innovative ala MORROWIND, but they are better than your typical FF.
I love the Final Fantasy series and everything about it, but I was not worried that they wanted to try something new. The deep,philosophical adventures will return. This story is light hearted and I put more time into FFX-2 because the actual gameplay was alot better. And the last time I checked thats why I played games. Complete 100 percent of this game, its worth it.