'Possibly the best RPG ever created'

User Rating: 8.8 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
We all had times where we thought Final Fantasy was lame, taking turns dishing turn- based attackas and magic on foes. Final Fantasy 10, the first RPG on the PS2, was an instant hit. It was a game that featured the protagonist, named Tidus (You can name him, but default is Tidus.) he is swept up from Zanarkand Riuns, a lively place-- ""A city that never dies," Tidus recalled. While playing popular Blitzball, a watery version of soccer, or basktball, the dome was overflooded with water, and Sin, a monster derived from the unknown, lived for 1000 years, comes to Zanarkand, and attacks.
Tidus was sallowed by Sin. After playing later, Tidus is told that Zanarkand was destroyed 1000 years ago, by SIn himself. He went on a pilgrimage with Yuna, a summoner, Auron, a bladewielder, Kamarhi, a ronso, Wakk, a great blitzball player, Lulu, a blackmage, and Rikku, a thief. Soon, Yuna falls in love with Tidus, and Tidus was'nt trying to defeat Sin because he was his father.
I will not go into furhter detial, not to riun for those who have not played this awesome game yet.

Gameplay- Despite everything else, the difficulty is on par. The enemies do much more damage than you could dish out, and sometimes there are so many. Whil this may not sound like a problem, the hardest thing is the amount of Health-- some enemies soaring higher then 320000.

Graphics- Great display, though at times hands and fingers are squared - off, not very humanlike, ocassionally. Besides that, the real- timme graphics vastly make up for it.

Sound- Music is at it's best. You'll want to hear it again, and agian, especially the introduction song.

Value- Not much after beating the game-- besides aquiring bonus weapons and all. Squaer- enix could've done better here.

Tilt- At the most, FF10 acieved what many RPGs attaempt, though it probably came out better than imagined. Despite Value and difficulty, it deserved a...

Overall Score