Easily one of the best games I've ever played. Final Fantasy at it's finest.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
It took me a while to play FFX, as I didn't have money for it when it came out, and I just kind of ignored it. My mistake for doing so.

Final Fantasy X has a quality that any good RPG can do, but only great ones pull off flawlessly : Characters that you connect with and that grow on you.
With the first voice acting in a Final Fantasy game in history, you get a new depth to the character development. When Tidus shouts for victory in Blitzball, you feel elated. When Rikku is cowering in the corner because of thunder, you feel for her, and laugh at the explanation for why she's afraid of it.
The point is that you grow to love the cast, with all their human flaws and habits.

Graphic wise, this game is beautiful. It shows what the PS2 was capable from the get-go, and they still stand up to other game graphics.

Controls are the standard affair, so nothing new except for the battle system : More of a turn based system that allows you to bring any character in at the touch of a button, it's strategic and adds a new level to the combat.

Sound : Nobuo Uematsu. End of story. If you don't know that his name essentially guarantees a winning score, you need psychiatric help.
The voice acting is good, but at times shows that it's Square's first attempt at it (The laughing scene makes me cringe, you'll see).

Story is just what you expect from Final Fantasy : Damn good. The best story in my opinion.

So with the review finished, go BUY IT!! It's $15 at Gamestop! Scoot! Don't miss out on an excellent game that proves Final Fantasy is still kickin' ass!