Whoa! This game is incredible! A classic tale for video game fans of all kinds! Not just for fan boys!
HIGH POINTS: Ah...where do I start? The music is catching and fits the mood well, the story and characters are great and full of twists, and the graphics are easily on par with games that are coming out TODAY! And this game was made towards the end of 2001! The battle system is great, and the monster you can summon are amazing! Anima, in particular, is especially awesome! Also, even if you don't like turned based combat, you will enjoy that the action is relatively fasted paced and battles are beautifully rendered. What you lose in pace, this game makes up for with visual grandier. I could go on, but you would do better to just pick the game up for yourself.
LOW POINTS: Practically none. My only complaints are so minor that I chose not to take anything away from the final score for them. For the most part, they are only personal opinions, and they should only be considered by you, the reader, and perhaps not taken to heart as much as my typical low points. In my opinion, the main protaganist in this game, Tidus, is a bit of a fairy. He isn't gay, but he has a sort of wussy voice, and a meek persona. But the character Tidus isn't weak or shy, as his voice might suggest. But again, thats only my opinion. I also thought that the story, admittedly, leaves a couple plot holes that the gamer must sort of overlook in order to truly enjoy the story. But, again, those are minor as well, and do not detract from this amazing game.
THE SCOOP: this game is one of the most amazing RPGs ever, and anyone interested in the genre needs to play it. So go out and get it! You won's regret it!