Kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride because this is a great game that will be enjoyed by generations.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Let me start by saying this game is perfect from every aspect. It has great graphics, a great storyline, great characters, and great everything. This game is the best game of the ps2 (in rpg's) to me.

If you love the other FF games in the series or if you are just starting then this game is perfect for you!

You follow the path of Tidus, a great blitzball player and warrior. Along the way, Tidus encounters love, huge beasts, his past, his dead father, sin, and an all-star cast like Auron and Wakka. Near the end you encounter major plot twists and some desicions you have to make and even a suprise ending! There are some side things to do and some different paths you can take that are worth exploring on a second play through! Now if you like my review, go buy the game to see for yourself!

Thank you for your time and go play some Blitzball you Zanarkind Abe!