Best ps2 RPG ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Well what can I say about FFX , well not only is it the best ps2 RPG ever made , it can arguably be , the best ps2 game eyo ver made. The story is amazing , it pulls you in and dosent let go till the end. You start out as Tidus , a blitz star in his city of Zanarkain , where the city gets attacked by a monster named Sin, after this the real game begins , the graphics are amazing considerong when it was relased , gameplay is usuall FF style . having you a maximun of 3 people a a time but changes can be made any time during game. You get to customize your characters from their equipment to their skills. This game introduces a sphere system which determines which skills you unlock. In this sphere system you are given points and decide which skills to unlock , making your custom fight style. The characters in this game are great , you feel like them all. Like I said before the story is one with twist and turns that has actually made people cry at the end. The game will last you a long time, without counting the mini-games like blitz that are included. This really is a masterpiece that every Rpg and FF fan should try.