This game is amazing. I love this game. Story line is amazingly good.

User Rating: 9.1 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Graphics awesome. Game-play awesome. Storyline awesome. Sound awesome. Soundtrack awesome. This game is so good. One of my favorites I played this game for over 80 hours. My guys are so good I beat all the final bosses in one shot. The summons are awesome. There's so much you can do in the game like unlocking ultimate weapons and getting the secret summons. The storyline is amazing. I love it more than the Kingdom Heart's storyline. The story just keeps me in the game a lot. The cinematic view are so good. This game is pretty old but the graphics can compete with games today (visual wise). The Game-play is good. The special moves look cool. If you don't like to read subtitles all the time don't worry there's not that much reading there's more talking. I can't really name anything bad about this game its awesome plain out awesome. It's definitely not a rent it's definitely a buy buy buy. If you played the other Final Fantasy's and not this one GO OUT AND BUY IT. It's only like 20 bucks now. Its a guaranteed not a waste of your time.