A good RPG with nice game play and character customization options, and great graphics, but for me its just too long.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
I personally think this game is a bit overrated. Sure the game play is good, there's a lot of exploring to be done, and the character customization features are nice. But the game is so long and the constant battles soon got annoying. The story was a bit confusing and I hate the stupid character grid. But the thing I hated most was the freakin' twenty minute long cutscenes! It totally interrupted the gameplay experience. Also I wasn't a huge fan of the puzzles in the game. As much stuff as I didnt like, you can't overlook the amazing graphics. Thats why this game still gets a 9.0 (even with the negative features), If you like roleplaying games, like this one, check out Final Fantasy 7 for the PS1, or the new one coming out for the PS3. SirMothy- `*^*:The Great Teacher:*^*`