Another Final Fantasy classic, one with the depth and imagination to rival the great Final Fantasy VII.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Square Enix have done it again! This review comes long after the release of Final Fantasy X but as one of my favourites in the series I felt the need to revisit Tidus and his blitzball pals once more.

Final Fantasy X is a Playstation 2 title which at the time of its release produced ground breaking graphics, a engrossing story and a vivid World of characters.

By far the greatest the PS2 is ever likely to see. Tidus and his entourage are finely detailed using all the power the Playstation 2 can muster. The gaming environment is mouth watering and the FMV sequences are still some of the best scenes in the business.

Final Fantasy titles are renowned for their classical scores. Whether it is an upbeat tempo or a more sombre mix, Final Fantasy X hits all the right notes at the right time. 'Ronso hungry' dialogue aside, Final Fantasy X voice acting is well worked and ties in well with the games characters.

The battle system is true to the Final Fantasy series, but this time around Square Enix have delivered a simple and effective level up system. The flow of Final Fantasy X is fast paced and keeps you interested throughout the epic adventure. The addition of Blitzball is a welcome change which gives players the chance to shy away from random battles and the blitzball side games really give Final X and its characters substance.

The Final Fantasy series prides itself on being open ended, varied and challenging. No expense has been spare with their tenth instalment. The main quest will eat up at leasy 50 hours of your time and if you hope to crack every aspect of the game you are looking at a lot more. Levelling up your group will have you engrossed in random battles until the cows come home.

Final Fantasy X is a great game which ticks all the right boxes for what we have come to expect from the Final Fantasy series. The characters are interesting and develop throughout the story, the action is intense and visuals are sublime. It's another hit from Square Enix, a hit that will be revisited by both hardcore FF fans and casual RPG goers.