In a series that is well appreciated by many rpg fans this is another classic from squaresoft. To tell you the truth the game is very open in comparison to new final fantasy games and is much better than most in story, combat, and its innovative sphere grid system. It has the type of characters youll remember just like final fantasy 7 and it also has a storyline that rivals that of final fantasy 7. The combat is the standard final fantasy game wait and strike but sometimes that way is for the best. Next to the sotryline in quality is the graphics for the first time you got to see feelings being portrayed through the characters faces. As you go through the story line you start to root for certain characters and hate certain others but that kind of game that draws you in is definitely one worth playing. Ths Sphere grid is innovative in that before it was materia or weapons equipped that would give you certain abillities but the sphere grid allowed you character to learn anything as long as you had the experience so it was very new but it worked fantastic for this game. Overall my impression of the characters the quality of the storyline and graphics led me to give this game a ten. Well deserved.
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It is agonizingly difficult for me to review a game such as this. Final Fantasy X simply defies easy summary, analysis, and categorization. Actually, scratch that: it nullifies the dictionary and invalidates the thesauru... Read Full Review
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