It's so good I'm writing a review!!!

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Final Fantasy X changed the way I look at games especially RPG's. The most important of a game (in my opinion) is the story. This game raised my expectations by 20X. It had great characters (I loved Lulu), interesting back story, unbeleivable worlds, incredible mini games (the unforgettable Blitz Ball), and can you forget the Aeons. I was very interested in each one of the characters because they were so diferent from one another. You have a mysterious warrior guy - Auron, a cool yet not to easy going Blitz Ball player - Wakka, the weird kid who washed up on shore - Tidus, a little Al-Bhed theif - Rikku, the quiet and lovable summoner - Yuna, and last but not least the semi nice black mage with a little bit of a dark side - Lulu. I'm not saying anymore because it's just too much. If you're thinking about buying this game take the advice from someone who used to think RPG's were boring.
This is the first and so far only game that will get a perfect score from me (this may not be significant to those who toss around 10's but i never gave a 10 to any game before).