This is the best of the final fantasy series until now!

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Oh man I love this game! Even now I can play thing I don't like about it is that Tidus is a dream....I simply can't get the idea...

Well this game is a kind of tbs combined with when you move with the hero it's like in an rpg, but in fight is a tbs game. To explain better in this game you will have 7 warriors. In a fight you will be able to use 3 of them, but u can switch between them whenever u need, but this only if the one u want to switch is not in ko. So this will be 7 different classes of fighters. Tidus: light weaponry, shield, as specialty he can flee with all party at once or can cheer up his friends, and as white magic he can haste or slow ppl.
Yuna: staff, ring, she is a summoner and can summon aeons to aid in battle. As white magic she has healings, cures, and positive magic and dispel.
Auron: heavy weapons, bracer, he can protect his party so he takes damage instead and he can break the defense and the magic defense of his opponents.
Kimahri: pole-weapons, idk many about him cause I used as heavy fighter auron...:P
Lulu: spellcaster, so this fighter strikes at the enemy weakness. Lulu has the most abilities I think( her or yuna anyway) as black magic she has: 3 levels of elemental magic ( so from fire u get to fira then firaga-and firaga is the strongest fire magic) and she has so for water, lightning and ice. she also has bio a spell that poisones enemies; she has demi-this is one of her strongest magic cause it damages 1/4 of all enemies hp. And well the strongest skill would be death-this kills anyone, but as u probably guessed there are many imune to that....
Wakka: ranger, this guy hits his opponent with a ball, but trust me he's dealing second greatest damage, after auron...this guy can drain life or mana from his enemy, and he can blind his enemy and other nasty stuff:)
Rikku: she uses claws but she dosent actually:) hahaha because she is mostly used to steal items from enemies or malfunction robotic enemy. And also she can use the items she steals, like grenades or later on gems. You can mix 2 items when she's in overdrive. Oh crap but I forgot to tell about overdrives....

Well it's not much...each character even aeons have overdrive. That is a special hit that is very strong. For example Auron was dealing 6k dmg, but in overdrive he was dealing 9999-and thats maximum for him and for anyone except Bahamut and the ones that understand...

Ok I guess I convinced you I really love this game, oh and by the way it has a great storyline. Actually this is why I played the game. But I can't understand why there isn't any movie. Everyone said this was the best. This is the reason they made final fantasy X-2 that is actually final fantasy XI.