If you're a fan of the seies, great. If not, well, that's ok too.
Graphics. TOTALLY SICK. Considering this is a PS2, not a DVD player, XBox, etc, the graphics are astounding. Hair is actually like, well, HAIR, instead of vaguely recognizable clods. Colors are sharp and real selected. Outfits are totally bizzare, and I'd never wear anything like them, but I can deal because they are in such detail (although when Tidus leans forward his 'necklace' still hovers in front of his neck – the fact it DOES hover though, instead of just being painted on, is a nice touch).
Controls – ok, but not really the diverse considering all you ever do is run around or select attacks and items from a menu, occasionally opening a chest or mounting a chocobo.
Sound – nice. Nice. Repetitive. Nice.
Game play – what game play?
Ok, now I sound a little... well... I can't think of the word. But in this game, you never really DO anything – you run, watch clips, and select moves. This is more of a strategy game than I thought any modern game designer could possibly get away with.
One big letdown (aside from afore mentioned lack of controlled action) is the clips. The visuals are fantastic (this 'enhanced facial matrix') and the animation can hold its own, the dialogue is fairly well scripted. The problem is nothing is in sync.
This is fairly understandable if it's originally a foreign game (I think it might be) but the fact that the clips were animated first, and the voice actors didn't get to see the reactions or speed of the talking characters, leads for a lot of empty spaces while waiting for the other character to finally react.
Another thing I notice, although I find it more amusing than annoying is the high reliance on grunts.
Hmm. Hmph. Augh. Mmm. Mff. Humm. All around. I can understand this on a certain level (guys do it all the time, it's there way of saying they're 'listening') but it gets a little tiring (girls shouldn't do it, they confirm things, agree verbally and ask questions if they're actually listening). My questionable knowledge of these barely relevant facts aside, FFX is a good, long game that will mean you won't have to immediately start saving up for another.
On the plus side, if you are the immature and easily amused type (like my little sister) you can name the aeons and characters stupid things the second time round (yes, my sister did – does – this). For example (as she decided), Princess can be Yuna's guardian instead of Tidus, as she gains aeons Bumfluff, Toejam and... oh, substantially worse. THIS IS WHY I will never let this particular sister near anything that accepts these submissions, not even Sims.
It's funny is a fairly disturbing way.
This is a good game for a fan of the series, it's long and the graphics are astounding. But if want REAL action, there are better places to get it.