whoa , when i look back at it. This is one of the worst rpgs i ve ever played
Exactly like the mistake done in ff8 the game tries a new gameplay system
which (to me) crashes and burns.What happen to atb?This use to make the battles unpredictable and excicting and strategic.This game puts in a grid where you can see all the enemys attacks.BORING!!!!!! the Sphere grid system is interestingand innovative but very overshadowed my the other games.it feels like it couldve been done better.I know that it wont come back in the future
As far as characterization is concerned,This game has one of the worst character lineups ive seen in an rpg.a whiny,tacky boy band looking wuss as a lead character could be very demoralizing. we also have a hawian dude carrying a a beachball a goth chick,the cliche healer,an annoying brat
theif.The big stong protective swordsman,an a filthy beast who doesnt say
a word till half the game.No development whatsoever
I might want to add that crash bandicoot was more nonlinear than ff10
you pretty much flush the word replayable down the toilet the game just goes foward.with no bactracking at all
Blitzball is the worst minigame in rpg history
this game sucks the only good thiing about it was graphics
other than that it was a complete monstrosity
Tidus's clothes and hair are flaming.