Doesnt lose that final fantasy charm as some people assume.

User Rating: 9.8 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Final fantasy 10 isnt really a big change in the series, obviously the story is different, but its still has that final fantasy style.

Final fantasy's story is about a giant monster called sin that destroys the main characters city. Somehow the character, tidus, is engulfed in some sort of time vortex. He meets new people in new places and figures out he needs to help them kill sin to stop his reign of terror. It seems like a cliched b grade movie, but its pretty deep and nice.

The graphics in the game are still good as all the others have been, always using the system to its full potential. The monsters, characters, environments, cutscenes, and magic spells are very beautiful. The characters are some of the best looking on the ps2, they all dress their own style of wacky unbelievable clothes but it fits their personality.

The characters are obviously a different cast. All the characters are lovable as in the original final fantasys and people wont hate them for being different.

The sound in final fantasy is perfect. Finaly the characters have voices, not all the time but in the important times. The acting is done very well and suit the characters personality. The music is still a great experience, from the battle themes to the exclusive songs and area music. Its all very well done.

The gameplay- The gameplay is basically the same as the other final fantasies. Its turn based combat, but changed. Now you can use all the characters in a battle by switching, and the battles are more fast paced and fun. There is a new character type system in which every character can have every ability, but they start of as their own class, such as white mage, black mage, warrior, thief, etc. The system revolves around the sphere grid, which is a giant grid filled with upgrades and abilities to get. Its pretty easy to use but it is really big .

The best changes is the summons, now called AEONS. the aeons are original and some new. Instead of watching a sequence on how they attack, now you use them like a character, with their own moves and specials. It brings more depth and action.

Overall final fantasy 10 is a great inclusion to the final fantasy series and should not be missed because it is slightly different.