My favorite FF game!

User Rating: 9.3 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
I got Final Fantasy X-2 before this (stupid move, huh?). But I didn't really understand what happened in the first one so I got this (smart move, huh?). I was glad I did because this game is excellent.

Square-Enix is pretty much the company that I get most of my games from and that I play a lot. They also are great with graphics and music (in some cases). FFX was no exception. For the PS2, the graphics were great and the music was good, too.

The game is hard though. It gets hard really fast, especially if you're almost halfway through the game. And when you have to upgrade your magic, I don't get how to do it. It's not on the stupid Sphere Grid that took me forever to figure out.

Anyway, it's a great game and I highly recommend it.