I'm among those who say that the Final Fantasy series has gone downhill since ff6 or 7. This game is no exception.

User Rating: 7.2 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
I can proudly admit that i was obsessed with Final Fantasy 7. For about 6 months it was my life. I played it over and over again and was breeding chocobos like crazy. FF8 was released around the time when I was writing articles for a FF website (one of the biggest if I might add ^_^). All the the people on the website were trilled and we all had pre-ordered the game. When I got it I played it through in about a week and I thought it was a pretty good game but not in the same league as FF7 or 6. I quit my job at the website a few months before FF9 was released. Number 9 in the series was an ok game. It was fun to play but didn't leave a mark in me like the previous games had.

Now then, the actual review. When I got hold of FF10 I was pretty excited and was prepared for a good gaming experience and 40+ hours of fun. What I felt after about 10 hours and through the whole game pretty much sums up the review in one word: Disappointment.
Boring and unengageing story, shallow characters, poor voice-acting (US version, can't say anything about the japanese) The lack of a world map made the game feel totally linear and boring.
I got the impression that no one on Square-Enix actually wanted to make this game.
I have to be fair and say that the game actually got a bit better after the first half. That really got my hopes up but only to be crushed by the ridiculously sentimental last part.

I know that many people think this game is great and i'm not telling you that you're wrong or anything, only that FF10 didn't suit me and many other fans of the older games in the series.