Had me poruing buckets of tears in the end....This is the best game I have ever played....... Thank you Square Soft.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Final Fantasy X. This is the best game I have played..story wise. its incredible. This game ahd me feeling so many emotions...( Spolier ) When Seymour kissed Yuna...to Auron disapearing in the end. This game crafted the best written story I have ever seen, read heard..etc. Let me review this masterpiece.
Gameplay- Tradtional with its own mix. In this review I wont be spending to much time with the presentation and gameplay, because its a Final Fantasy game and we all know both those things are good. So.. the change in this one is, you get to switch your characters during battle. This makes for a very fats paced battle system thats also very interesting as you can adapt to the battle easily...Every character has his/her own ups and downs. Examply..Auron can deal great damage to high defence leveled monsters. Lulu is black mage..etc... The leveling up system is similar to 13's. Its this whole sphere grid thing where you earn points to level up a character slowly. 10/10-Gameplay.
Presentation- Beautiful.. The usual with a Final Fantasy game. The voice acting is well...surprisingly good for the first time around. But oh my!! As much as I love Tidus is laugh is annoying!! lol. But oh well!! 10/10.
Story- Now the story... Its brilliant. Its sad, happy. It plays with all kinds of emotions, happiness, sadness, love, anger, greed, jealousy, etc.. I fell in love with all of the characters,,yes ALL. Tiuds is a great change to the all dark and silent but bad ass Cloud/Squall characters. And he seems more "real" as he struggles with his dad and falls in love during his story. Auron..badass!!! Yuna... I love Tidus for loving Yuna.. Everyone else rocks as well. This story is so good, it had be crying buckets at the end. And yes I am a dude. This reveiw is short, but there's really nothing else to say here. I love the story and anyone who enjoys a great experience should play this one, even though it's from 2001. Age doesn't matter, people you need to play this. 10/10-Story.
Thank you Square..this was your last game until you joined Enix..Noubou this was your latest and last FF tittle..thank you..this one has the nest score out of all of them. I can't wait for your scores in 14. This game is a masterpiece..period.