A very nice entry for the PS2
Sometimes when a new game system comes out, some game titles like to change things around or try something new. But this Final Fantasy game was perfect. After I beat the game, I just kept playing it leveling up my characters cuz there is so much to do after the game. The story line was great; the new battle system was user friendly; the blitz ball game was really cool with leveling up your team and beating the sh*** out of the other teams was fun and, like most of the other Final Fantasy's, they threw in some love between the main characters and had a Battle Arena witch worked out great with this Final Fantasy cuz it takes a lot of time to fully max out your party, just getting half way through the sphere grid makes your party power full enough to run thought the game with E's. Final Fantasy 10 also had great graphics that surpass other games of its time.
And I'm thinking Final Fantasy 13 is going to be anther one for the PS3…