An emotionally heart felt story, Square show their softer side with this classic RPG.

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2

It begins with a Young and somewhat annoying man Tidus, who finds his way into the beautiful word Spira. Here he meets a Yuna, a summoner and her guardians.

This was the first Final Fantasy game to experiment with character dialogue and made it a success. Along with the remarkable soundtrack, graphics and story line, many would have to agree that this is one of the best RPG's made in that time for playstation 2. It is hard to believe that this game was released in 2001-2002.

What really drew me in was the raw emotion displayed by the characters. The funny thing about them is that one minute they will have you in stitches of laughter, the next they will have you close to bawling your eyes out.

How could I forget the underlying love story? Ladies, forget the trashy romance novels, this game will surely captivate your heart.

I may not be saying too much about the story, but this one of a kind RPG you need to play yourself to get the full experience.

I would have given this a 10 if the main character Tidus wasn't such an idiot!