Wow where to start...i would first like to recomend buying the book guide to help you get through all of the cloister of trials and recieve all the legendary weapons. I have over 100 hours and still enjoy playin. I can beat it easily but i dont choose to. I still need to get kimaris weapon powered up with the butterfly challenge which has proved rather difficult. In my sphere grid all of my group members are almost complete with the whole thing..It funny to see yuna do 99999 for an attack and tidus doublecast black magic like flare or ultima.I still love bliztball too o man im addicted to that game. The story of guardians and the past being pieced together with jecht and yunas father is also entertaining...i always wondered and wish there would be a game like final fantasy x with jecht and braska i think thats his name i havent played in a would be really cool...the idea of sin is amazing as well with the many graphic modes and just the size is intimidating. Anyone who is in my position of looking for things to do go to monster arena and try to catch them all. I actually just caught all of um and just beat nehemis.. hes kinda hard. also if anyone knows how to do this message me i cant seemt to get wakkas overdrives as much blitzball as i play i never get um..kinda stuck on wat to do next.
Other Helpful Reviews for Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)
It is agonizingly difficult for me to review a game such as this. Final Fantasy X simply defies easy summary, analysis, and categorization. Actually, scratch that: it nullifies the dictionary and invalidates the thesauru... Read Full Review
STORY Final Fantasy X starts off in a futuristic metropolis where Tidus a star Blitzball player is signing autographs and preparing for a Blitzball game(Blitzball is a very popular sport on their world) and all of a s... Read Full Review