This game sould be the reason why people play Video Games

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
It´s just plain perfect...

Evereithing about it its unbelievable....

The graphics... the most amazing for ps2...

The story line... addicctive, unique, creative...

This game has marked me in so many ways that i can still remenber every characters name after 5 years since i last played it... TIDUS, YUNA, RIKKU, AURON,WAKKA, LULU, KIMARI... SEYMOUR ( The bad guy)... its.. its... MEMORABLE.

It takes forever to get to the end and it´s worth it, i´ve spent exactly 104:33 hours to finish it and i didnt finish all the side missions... i didnt win the Blitzball* League, etc etc

For the ones that don´t know blitzball its the main characters (TIdus) favorite game, it´s like soccer that can be played either by hands or feet , but... its underwater..

In my review , just a perfect 10 for final fantasy 10
