This game is b-e-a-utiful! :D
I love the gameplay in this game alot. You get to choose from heaps of abilities and magic spells. What a found very clever about this game is the Sphere Grid. It's very different and is not very complicated. Every time you gain a level you gain a Sphere level which lets you move one spot on the Sphere Grid. The Sphere Grid is just huge! I havn't even finished the grid but I have finished the game!
The graphics are brilliant! I just love them! In one of the cutscenes I felt like I was whaching a movie they were that good! I sometimes felt like I was playing a movie too!
The music is beautiful! It really fits into the cutscenes and the environment!
Final Fantasy X is a game that has basically everything! If ya love fantasy tipe games then get this one, you'll love it! :D