An RPG worth sitting down to, listening to, laughing to, and crying to. By FAR the best RPG I've played to date.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
I know that my opinion may be biased to some - I've not quite finished FF7 yet...but this review is for Final Fantasy X. It's wonderful...and I must say, it had me crying in the end. And I don't mean one lone tear - I mean a couple rivers!

The gameplay is fun, easy to learn, and straight forward - especially if you're familiar with previous final fantasys.

The graphics are A-mazing. I know that sounds silly - but it was cutting edge for the year 2000, and especially for a ps2! They're practically mindbending - the expressions on the character's faces look sickeningly real and personal, and the scenery has forced me to become mute with speechlessness.

The story line was wonderful. A touch sad *note the crying earlier* And very strong. However I think the game was MUCH too short for it's own good! Hmph! I suppose for the most part the reason I cried in the end, wasn't so much that I was sad over -------, but that it was ending!

All in all - what a great game experience for my first RPG - yes, my first. It was SOOO definately worth all the time I spent on it rather than on my homework!

I hope that my review sways your opinion on how nice this game really is..not compared to any other Final Fantasy, but just as it's own game.
