An RPG worth sitting down to, listening to, laughing to, and crying to. By FAR the best RPG I've played to date.
The gameplay is fun, easy to learn, and straight forward - especially if you're familiar with previous final fantasys.
The graphics are A-mazing. I know that sounds silly - but it was cutting edge for the year 2000, and especially for a ps2! They're practically mindbending - the expressions on the character's faces look sickeningly real and personal, and the scenery has forced me to become mute with speechlessness.
The story line was wonderful. A touch sad *note the crying earlier* And very strong. However I think the game was MUCH too short for it's own good! Hmph! I suppose for the most part the reason I cried in the end, wasn't so much that I was sad over -------, but that it was ending!
All in all - what a great game experience for my first RPG - yes, my first. It was SOOO definately worth all the time I spent on it rather than on my homework!
I hope that my review sways your opinion on how nice this game really is..not compared to any other Final Fantasy, but just as it's own game.