FFX is so much more than just a game.....this is the pinnacle of entertainment

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
I never played an FF game before FFX. I was biased. I hated the FF series with what to me was a lame fighting system(turn-base) and lame presentation. I bought FFX simply because it looked stunning graphically, so I needed it to show-off the powers of my then newly acquired ps2, which was turning out to be a disappointment as everything I played...was just boring.

So in came FFX, no expectations, dreading actually using turn-base and pondering what lame story I might be in for(my only FF experience being FF:TSW)

Owh how I changed. I came around full circle. Even before finishing the game, while still adventuring, this became my favourite game of all time. And I have played plenty of games since the ATARI age. For me, this was more than just a game. This wasn't something you picked up before heading to work or school, this wasn't something you played for 15 minutes just because you had time. You made time to play FFX, and you made sure you had more than 15 minutes to play.

FFX (and the final fantasy series) is the pinnacle of entertainment. This isn't some mindless game about shooting things up. Everything else out there is a game, this was something more than that. I was engrossed in this story and fell in love with the characters. I only sing praises for FFX, and those who differ I find to be those who like to complain a lot(though everyone has their right to an opnion).

Too linear? Umm.....so? I find the most pathetic complaint is that FFX is too linear, compared especially to other FF's. Since when is it mandatory for a game to be open-ended? Do people not realise that an open-ended game lacks meaning? I'd rather have a linear game too than one where you have no idea where you're supposed to go, or what you're supposed to do(see I don't have a problem searching, I just get irritated when you gotta face numerous random battles just to realise what you wanted was way over yonder).
Too easy? please...if you find things too easy, don't so easily level up. Being the amatuer to this series that I was, I fled from almost all random battles, namely cause I wanted to further the story faster. Indirectly though, I had more statisfying boss battles than others. This was one of the games where I had to think strategically before each boss fight. I was reminded of chess while playing this game. IT was hard.....and oh so satisfying when you defeat tough bosses.
Bad voice acting? AHAHAHAHAH. It's so funny how people complain. It's still a voice! IT's not a fake voice!(whatever that means). Most importantly, they managed to pull it off. Most importantly, you felt for the characters...and all 7 main characters make their wat into your heart(if you have one).

This is the pinnacle of entertainment. If your happy playing mindlessly repetetive games requiring 'skill' and 'reflexes'...go ahead. For you will only be experiencing a game, whereas I experienced a culture.