Square Enix once again fails to disappoint. Final Fantasy X is a great addition to the series.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
As the Classification suggests, Final Fantasy X is a solid game which delivers an enjoyable and worthwhile role-playing experience.

Final Fantasy X has some of the better graphics on the PS2, even by today's standards. The cinematics are completely and utterly breathtaking and pretty much warrant a purchase on their own. The in-game graphics are also something to boast about as they offer some of the most vibrant and colourful pieces of eyecandy through quaint little island environments to epic rolling fields.

Final Fantasy X also offers a deep and interesting plot which you'll find yourself being wrapped up in for hours upon hours. This means that the game is not a weekend rental as it will, most likely, take you well over forty hours to complete.

The one and only complaint I have is the turn-based fighting system. I have never been a fan of said system, although I'm completely aware that it has always been the way of the Final Fantasy series. I'm not allowing this gripe to affect the overall score, however, as I'm sure it is merely a matter of personal preference.

Great game. Undeniably worth a purchase!