Final Fantasy X is the single greatest piece of evidence supporting the idea that all games are not all blood and gore.
User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
Joe Lieberman and Jack Thompson can say all they want about how video games are destroying our youth, video games don't have deep plot-lines like the works of Shakespeare, and video games are only media of violence, but in the end Final Fantasy X proves all of these assumptions wrong. Final Fantasy X follows the story of Tidus, a sports star sucked out of his element in the first half hour of game-play, as he protects the Summoner Yuna on her voyage to destroy an enormous, evil beast born from the sins of the people, appropriately named Sin. As the story progresses, the plot twists multiple times, each twist more intense than the prior. Eventually, just about everything you thought you knew about your quest will be put to the test and usually proven wrong. While the language may not, the story easily rivals anything written by Shakespeare, and may even bring you to tears.
But let's consider it as a video game, based on its graphics, ease of play, etcetera. The graphics, at least during cut scenes, are wonderful compared to the other early PlayStation 2 games. The game's tried and true gameplay method of selecting a maneuver and simply watching it play out makes the game very cinematic.
The music in Final Fantasy X is absolutely phenomenal, as all music in the Final Fantasy series is, directed by the extremely talented Nobuo Uematsu. I still listen to the soundtrack in my spare time.
So, in conclusion, this game is proof of what a beautiful art form games can be and are. Now if only we could get more of these persecuting hypocrites to play them. . .