I sure wouldn't wear Tidus' clothes, but I will play his game
We Americans would never think of casting the 19 year old, bleach blonde, with an "acquirred" taste of clothing be the main character. Nah, for some reason, we love our guys to be violent, cold, but yet somewhat loved by everyone. Thanks be to the giant flying spaghetti monster that there's a little island nation called Japan to happily cast pretty boys as the main characters.
Seeing as it is a Final Fantasy game, it requires two things: story-driven gameplay and a LOT of time spent getting all those annoying potions and gil. Thankfully, both are present.
The game stars out with a young and upcoming blitzball (something like soccer and rugby played with newtowian phyiscs in water) Tidus meeting up with an old family friend, Auron just as his city of Zanarkand is falling to Sin. From there, it's your standard story with your twists and meeting Wakka, another blitzballer, Yuna, a summouner and love interest, Lulu, the gothy girl with obbsession with dolls, Rikku the peppy girl who's willing to dirty her hands with machines and theivery and that one silent dude who speaks in little grunts.
While not digging into the melancholy depths that was FF7, but not going as high as say FFXII in terms of optimism, FFX feels very plain compared to the other Final Fantasy games. Which means awesome gameplay, satisfying overdrives, fantastic enviroments, and well-fleshed out charaters. But then again what Final Fantasy does not?