This is easily my favorite game of all tim and cab be yours for about 15.00 US dollers nowadays

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!) PS2
storyline-The storyline is one of my favorites of all games and is what you would expect to see from final fantasy. You are a boy named tidus who belongs to a world famous blitzball.some monster attacks your city and some other stuff happens but you eventually end up 1000 yrs into the future you meet some girl named yuna a little after and you have to guide her to temples so she can unlock aons to fight on your team. I wont spoil the rest of the story

storyline 10/10

battle system-The battle system is turn based which is my favorite of all. Basicly your team attacks then your oppents deping on speed. There are plenty of differnt spell and attacks to choose from


diffuculty-if youve played ff before youll have no problems really but new comers might take a little getting used to


overall-this is a great game and deserves you to buy it right now GO GET IT